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That's what I feel like has happened with the month of August.
Poof! It's gone.
Here we are, the beginning of September, and so much has happened.
(I'll get to the Back to School Lunch Ideas in just a sec.)
The boys have been in school for 3 whole weeks now. It already feels like an eternity. We had such a fun summer and my oldest is having a HARD time getting excited about school. He's told me many times that he just wants to stay home and do things with me. Sweet, but ain't happening. We then had the talk about just how long he would be in school: till he was 24, because you know, grad school. =)
Here's the pre-school-starting-excitement (thanks to a photo shoot at our church) that unfortunately, hasn't last.
Football-wise, we are in week 3 of the regular season. I can't believe that, really. It took me a week to get back into the football rhythm but we are in the groove now. We won our first game, a squeaker, 14-13. It was a defensive battle to say the least. Our 2nd game was a heart-breaking loss. There's so much I could say about that, but I'm saving it for a Married to Football post.
Here's a pic from our first pre-season game, which started rather rainy.
Personally, I am meeting this school year with great excitement because things have changed for me. I resigned from my teaching position at the University of North Florida (at least for now) because I am ready to devote my best energy to other people and projects (i.e my wild family and things like OffSeasonAthlete.com). I am still adjusting to working almost exclusively from home and haven't quite found my rhythm yet. This is mostly due to the fact that I've been dealing with really painful sciatic pain for the past 2 months and currently go to the therapy and doctors A LOT. But I'm clinging to the fact that I will heal and will be back to normal functioning eventually.
Back to School Lunch Ideas.
I had the privilege of appearing on First Coast Living to share some ideas on behalf of my wonderful clients Smithfield, Bob's Red Mill, US Highbush Blueberries and BODYARMOR.
Hidden Honey Snack Bars - These are some of my favorites. You can make these on the weekend and store in the fridge for lunchboxes all week. This is the Whole Wheat Flour and Almond Flour I used.
Pumpkin Apple Mini Muffins - These make a great, quick breakfast or lunchbox snack. This 1:1 gluten free baking mix from Bob's Red Mill is EVERYTHING. You need this if baking gluten free is important to you.
Fruit Kebabs with Blueberry Dip
Blueberry Grilled Cheese Sandwiches - This might sound a little weird, but it is so darn delicious. You can make these the night before and send them in a lunchbox cold. They heat up beautifully. But, they are also so good, you can eat them cold.
If you can't find BODYARMOR in your local grocery store, it is available here on Amazon.
I hope this gives you some helpful ideas to Make Healthy Easy for back to school. I know I can ALWAYS use more back to school lunch ideas. If you have something that it is really working for you and your kids, please leave a comment.
To making lunches easy and healthy,