Last year I heard this quote from my pastor and it really stuck with me:
There will not be a move of power that is not preceded by a movement of love.
This post is sponsored by World Vision.
Such a deep, true statement about life. Sometimes I get caught up in big, crazy ideas of how to change the world or make a difference. This is great, but usually leaves me feeling like I can’t actually do anything at all. Then, I think about this quote and remember it all starts with love.
Loving people is what it’s all about.
Partnering with World Vision this spring has been a reminder of this quote in my life. A simple act of love opens you up to be a part of making a difference in this big world. It may seem like a very small deed, but I believe showing love in any way sets the stage for bigger things to come.
If that sounds good to you, then I would love to invite you to consider sponsoring a child with World Vision. Why? Because sponsoring a child is a personal, long-term way to to show love to a child in need. The World Vision child sponsorship model allows for a one-on-one relationship with a sponsor (you), while pooling the gifts of all sponsors who support children in the same community to provide long-term resources for lasting change. In fact, it’s estimated that every $1 you donate equals $1.30 in impact thanks to grants and other donations.
Sponsoring a child is so much more than money sent abroad. My family just began our sponsorship this past December, and I have really enjoy having many conversations about our child, Mesuli, at the breakfast table with my boys. We talk about his country, his life, language, and so much more. This summer is his birthday and we get the opportunity to learn about giving together to him instead of just what my boys want for their birthday.
My mom recently reminded me that she has been sponsoring the same child since we attended a conference together in the early 2000’s. This child, now a young adult, has become a part of her life and prayers and I think that is just amazing. What can happen if we allow other people to impact us through acts of love? Great things my friends.
If you are interested in sponsoring a child, visit this link.
This past weekend I participated in the World Vision Global 6K for Water to support their global efforts to bring safe water to people without it. I joined more than 25,000 people walking or running around the globe, but not all at the same time of course. I had the pleasure of joining a wonderful group of people at a church in Jacksonville who were hosting their first 6K for Water event.
Speaking of small acts of love, the few people who organized this event did so much to get this event started in our area. It was really a precious time. Each of us wore the picture of a child who could be sponsored on our race bib and we walked/ran a 6K around the beautiful church property. Ben joined me via stroller and had a great time too.
We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day and I it was a blessing to get to know a few of the other participants. Someone even drove over an hour to participate in this group. Ben and I ended up walking the whole event but truly enjoyed every detail of the morning.
Thank you for letting me share all about World Vision with you this spring. It is an organization that I really care about and have been honored to partner with this spring. You can read more about World Vision and the 6K Race for Water in my posts: Join Me in Running for Clean Water & Water, Thankfulness & Running.
To changing the world one act of love at a time,