When you're not able to make it to a gym, try these at-home workout programs to get in your physical activity. Find info on apps and full workouts with and without equipment to create your own at home workout schedule.

I have been practicing yoga at home for about a year through the website, The Yoga Collective. Truly though, I've been using this site off and on for years and wrote about it originally in the post Online Yoga Classes.
I still love this website and highly recommend it. They offer free classes but the $3.99/month membership is well worth it. They now offer yoga classes of varying durations and intensities, pilates, stretching sessions and guided meditation.
Here are a few credible places for online yoga fitness programs both free and paid:
- The Yoga Collective - Free and paid subscription
- Do Yoga With Me - Free and paid
- Lululemon At Home Workouts YouTube Channel - Free
Workout Apps
Fitness apps make it so easy to workout at home. Many of them offer classes that coach and time you so all you have to do is the work. If you are low on motivation (which we all face at one time or another), this might be the way to go for you.
- The TRX App - subscription. Awesome for those that own a TRX Suspension system, which I highly recommend.
- The Johnson & Johnson Official 7 Minute Workout- totally free. I love this app and use it often. Most workout require no equipment.
- Nike Training Club App - free with some paid options. Offers great classes of all types and durations.
- FitOn App - free. This app builds programs for you based on your goals. I haven't used this much yet but it gets great reviews.
- Tabata Pro App - free and one time purchase option. If you are comfortable with the actual moves you want to perform, but need a way to get the intensity up, try this tabata timer. You can program any interval or prep time, minutes of exercise, and rest periods. I use this often to keep on pace for HIIT workouts.
At Home Workout with No Equipment
Here are some of my favorite at home workouts I've created that need no equipment. Using your own bodyweight, you can get a great workout and create an effective at home workout schedule.
Remember, please do not start a fitness program if you are not physically capable of doing so. While my #1 goal is always to do safe and effective workouts, attempt these at your own risk. You can read my liability policies here.
Workout #1 - Lower body focus
This workout has 4 rounds, each containing 2 movements. Alternate between the 2 movements for 3 rounds each.
Warm-up with a jog, walk, jumping jacks, etc.
- Set 1 --> 20 body weight squats followed by 30 second plank. Repeat 3 times.
- Set 2 --> 15 hip Bridges followed by 50 jump ropes. Repeat 3 times.
- Set 3 --> 10 lateral squat walks (band not necessary) both directions (20 total) followed by 10 burpees. Repeat 3 times.
- Set 4 --> 10 Lunges (any type) each leg followed by 10 bird dogs each side. Repeat 3 times.
Workout #2 - Whole Body Intervals - Set a timer for 20 minutes (or more) and go through as many rounds of these movements as you can. Take breaks as needed.
Warm-up with a jog, walk, jumping jacks, etc before starting timer.
- 10 walking lunges each leg
- 20 jumping jacks
- 15 push-ups, any type
- 20 squats
- 45 second plank hold
- 20 mountain climbers each leg
- 15 glute bridge
Home Workout with Equipment
Having a few pieces of equipment at home can be very helpful when you plan to do an at home workout schedule for an extended period of time. My favorite items to have are:
- Jump rope
- Thick Mat
- Slam Ball
- Kettlebells of various sizes
- Set of Dumbells of various sizes
- TRX Suspension Trainer
- Resistance Bands
I absolutely love having a TRX Suspension System and am even certified as a trainer in it. If you've never used one at home and are not sure how to hook it up, here's a quick video I made about it.
The following exercises use some of the equipment I listed above.
Workout # 3 - Lower Body Focus with Slam Ball and Kettlebell or Dumbbell
This workout is 3, 9 minute rounds AFAP (as fast as possible). This means you should cycle through the movements in each 9 minute rounds as fast as you can. Use a timer set to 9 minutes to keep time. Warm-up with 25 yard sprints or dynamic warm-up.
- First 9 minute AFAP --> 10 deadlifts with kettlebell or 2 dumbbells, 10 wall-less wall balls (Holding the slam ball, squat and as you rise up throw the ball like you are hitting a high point on a wall but let it fall to the ground. Recommend doing this outdoors or against a garage wall.), 10 sumo deadlift high pull with kettlebell or dumbbell
- 1 minute rest
- Second 9 minute AFAP --> 10 lunges any way both legs (20 total), 10 hip bridges holding slam ball (optional), 50 jump ropes
- 1 minute rest
- Third 9 minute AFAP --> 30 seated ab twists with slam ball (optional) both sides, 30 air squats
Workout #4 - Whole Body HIIT
Complete 2-4 rounds of all the movements. Complete a warm-up first.
- 10 burpees
- 20 walking lunges (add dumbbells for weight)
- 12-15 push-ups
- 15 Romanian Deadlifts with dumbbells or kettlebell
- 20 skaters (both sides)
- 12-15 bent over rows using dumbbells
- 15 donkey kicks
- 15 goblet squats with kettlebell
- 12-15 reverse flies with dumbbells (can be done without weight and really squeezing muscles on both pulling up and releasing down)
Workout #5 - TRX workout
This workout requires the TRX Suspension Trainer, an incredible piece of home workout equipment. If you are newer to TRX, check out their YouTube library of moves.
The movements are in super-sets, meaning you do two exercises together, alternating between the two. Complete 2-3 sets of each exercise within the superset.
Warm-up with a jog or dynamic warm-up.
- Super-set 1 --> 15 TRX squat to row followed by 15 TRX chest press
- Super-set 2 --> 12-15 TRX Y-fly followed by 15 TRX balancing lunges each leg
- Super-set 3 --> 15 hip bridges on a mat or in the TRX straps followed by 45 second plank hold on a mat or in the TRX straps
- Super-set 4 --> 12-15 TRX bicep curls followed by 12-15 TRX tricep press
Fitness Plan
If you are physically capable of doing so and want a challenge, you absolutely could use these home workout routines as a 5-day workout routine. Living room workouts can be a great way to make regular exercise a part of your daily activities. Hopefully these ideas help you see that even if it's just not in the budget this month to have that gym membership, there are plenty of things you can do from the comfort of your home to keep building this healthy habit. For more exercises to include in your home workout schedule, check out Squats for Women.
Stay Connected for More Ideas
I hope these at home workout ideas help you get your fitness in effectively and safely. For more ideas, follow me on Instagram.