Here are some simple ways to get a full body workout in your home gym with no equipment needed. If your gym membership expired or you don't have the budget for the best home gym equipment, I've got you covered.
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For more workouts to do with limited space, check out my posts onย Squatsย andย Pilates Exercises at Your Desk.
Full Body Sit to Stand
As a certified personal trainer, I am ALWAYS on the hunt for full body exercises that are simple to execute without the use of a full-body workout machine. Why, you ask? Because I usually have less than 5 minutes to workout (I exaggerate a bit).
Whenever my boot camp trainer debuts a new full body move, I pay serious attention so I can replicate it when I can't make it to his class. One week, he had us doing this sit to stand (or really stand to sit but that doesn't roll off the tongue as nicely) thing and I had to share it with you!
When you google sit to stand exercise, you will likely see a move going from seated in a chair to standing, which is great, but not that intense. So this move takes it up a notch by taking it all the way to the ground. The only "equipment" you need is something sturdy to hang on to and a soft surface below you (carpet, yoga mat, or exercise mats).
How to Do Sit and Stand
Here's the description for those of you who learn by reading:
Position yourself in front of a sturdy pole, very heavy chair, counter with a ledge, or securely closed door. Begin to squat backwards in a controlled manner, grabbing the pole, chair, counter ledge or door handle if needed. Lower to the ground. Using your ab muscles, lower your back to the ground slowly and raise your arms over your head. Now reverse the motion, using your abs to pull you back to a seated position. Grab the pole (or other secure object) in front of your face. Focus on using your legs, butt and core to push you up first, away from the ground in a slightly explosive motion. Simultaneously, use your back (via arms holding the bar) to pull you up in to a full standing position. Repeat for a set of 15-20. Do this 3 times with breaks in between.
The keys to these being an effective movement is to really engage your abs/core muscles during the entire motion and really push with your lower body when standing back up. Also, positioning yourself closer to your pole makes it more challenging and being slightly farther away from the pole makes it easier.
Here is a video to help you get the idea of this move that works the entire body.
Video Tutorial
There you have it. Such a simple move that works the whole bod. That's the kind of Make Healthy Easy workout that I like. Go give it a try right now! It really gets the blood flowing.
Lower Body At-Home Workouts
You don't necessarily have to have home gym machines to get a great workout and reach your fitness goals. Exercise machines can take up so much floor space. Using your own bodyweight, you can create an effective workout in the comfort of your own home. Clear a space for your workout area, and let's get started.
Remember, please do not start a fitness program if you are not physically capable of doing so. While my #1 goal is always to do safe and effective workouts, attempt these at your own risk. You can read my liability policies here.
This workout has 4 rounds, each containing 2 movements. Alternate between the 2 movements for 3 rounds each.
Warm-up with a jog, walk, jumping jacks, etc.
- Set 1 --> 20 body weight squats followed by 30 second plank. Repeat 3 times.
- Set 2 --> 15 hip Bridges followed by 50 jump ropes. Repeat 3 times.
- Set 3 --> 10 lateral squat walks (band not necessary) both directions (20 total) followed by 10 burpees. Repeat 3 times.
- Set 4 --> 10 Lunges (any type) each leg followed by 10 bird dogs each side. Repeat 3 times.
Whole Body Intervals
Set a timer for 20 minutes (or more) and go through as many rounds of these movements as you can. Take breaks as needed throughout the different exercises.
Warm-up with a jog, walk, jumping jacks, etc before starting timer.
- 10 walking lunges each leg
- 20 jumping jacks
- 15 push-ups, any type
- 20 squats
- 45 second plank hold
- 20 mountain climbers each leg
- 15 glute bridge
The good news is that these workouts can easily be done in small spaces. Using a workout mirror is a great way to make sure you're maintaining proper form.
Optional Fitness Equipment
While you may not have the budget or much space for a full body workout machine, there are a few pieces of exercise equipment that would add value to your home total body workout.
- Jump rope
- Thick Mat
- Slam Ball (medicine balls)
- Kettlebells of various sizes
- Set of Dumbells in a variety of weights (or adjustable dumbbells)
- TRX Suspension Trainer (my top pick)
- Resistance Bands
Each versatile piece of equipment can be used in various exercises for home use and should work well even with space constraints.
Lower Body Focus with Slam Ball and Kettlebell or Dumbbell
This workout is 3, 9 minute rounds AFAP (as fast as possible). This means you should cycle through the movements in each 9 minute rounds as fast as you can. Use a timer set to 9 minutes to keep time. Warm-up with 25 yard sprints or dynamic warm-up.
- First 9 minute AFAP --> 10 deadlifts with kettlebell or 2 dumbbells, 10 wall-less wall balls (Holding the slam ball, squat and as you rise up throw the ball like you are hitting a high point on a wall but let it fall to the ground. Recommend doing this outdoors or against a garage wall.), 10 sumo deadlift high pull with kettlebell or dumbbell
- 1 minute rest
- Second 9 minute AFAP --> 10 lunges any way both legs (20 total), 10 hip bridges holding slam ball (optional), 50 jump ropes
- 1 minute rest
- Third 9 minute AFAP --> 30 seated ab twists with slam ball (optional) both sides, 30 air squats
Whole Body HIIT
Complete 2-4 rounds of all the movements. Complete a warm-up first.
- 10 burpees
- 20 walking lunges (add dumbbells for weight)
- 12-15 push-ups
- 15 Romanian Deadlifts with dumbbells or kettlebell
- 20 skaters (both sides)
- 12-15 bent over rows using dumbbells
- 15 donkey kicks
- 15 goblet squats with kettlebell
- 12-15 reverse flies with dumbbells (can be done without weight and really squeezing muscles on both pulling up and releasing down)
TRX workout
This workout requires the TRX Suspension Trainer, an incredible piece of home workout equipment. If you are newer to TRX, check out their YouTube library of moves.
The movements are in super-sets, meaning you do two exercises together, alternating between the two. Complete 2-3 sets of each exercise within the superset.
Warm-up with a jog or dynamic warm-up.
- Super-set 1 --> 15 TRX squat to row followed by 15 TRX chest press
- Super-set 2 --> 12-15 TRX Y-fly followed by 15 TRX balancing lunges each leg
- Super-set 3 --> 15 hip bridges on a mat or in the TRX straps followed by 45 second plank hold on a mat or in the TRX straps
- Super-set 4 --> 12-15 TRX bicep curls followed by 12-15 TRX tricep press
To a healthy fitness routine,
Disclaimer: Always check with your physician before starting an exercise routine. I am not a certified personal trainer. Any workouts or exercises featured on this website or on my Pinterest pages are to be attempted at your own risk, after receiving approval from a doctor.