For the past two years I've been studying connections between Enneagram type and eating through The Enneagram & Eating Project. We've had over 650 people participate and I've discovered some fascinating connections. You can read some of those results with the Instagram hashtag #EnneagramandEating.

Now it's time to go another step forward and study exercise habits and wellness habits. There is now a round 2 of my project called The Enneagram Type and Exercise Surveys where I will look at connections between enneagram type, exercise habits, preferences in exercise, and wellness behaviors.
It's going to be so fascinating!
To clarify again, this is ROUND 2 of the surveys. If you took the first round related to eating and nutrition, this survey is new and different. I need you again!
What to Expect in the Survey
This survey is 15 questions long (same as the first round) and should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Questions address your fitness habits, fitness preferences, sleep and wellness practices.
The Enneagram Type and Exercise surveys are anonymous, but you have the option to include your email if you would like to receive updates about the research and results.
If you have not participated in the first round of Enneagram & Eating surveys, please start there by visiting The Enneagram & Eating Survey Links.
Enneagram Type & Exercise Survey Links
Please click the button for only the number that you are dominant in.
Spread the Word
This research project is 100% grassroots and heavily relies on word of mouth help recruiting participants. Please share this webpage with anyone you know is familiar with their Enneagram number. It's so helpful!