The Enneagram is a tool of great wisdom that can guide you into a deeper understanding of how you and others operate. I'm curious about the connection between enneagram and nutrition and have therefore created the Enneagram & Eating project. Read on to learn more about it.

Why I believe the Enneagram & Nutrition are connected
As a psychology minor and the child of a marriage and family therapist, personality has been a huge fascination of mine my whole life. I originally pursued a psych degree with a nutrition minor, until I realized switching those whose more in line with what I wanted to do in a career. I love learning how people tick, what motivates them, and how we operate differently. I've personally been through a lot of testing: Myers-Briggs, DISC, and more and I'll be honest, I never really remember what I am exactly or how that tool is supposed to help me be better at something. (I personally think this is indicative of the Enneagram type I most associated with: Seven).
When I recently learned about the Enneagram, I was intrigued and read a book on the topic. I was immediately gripped because 1- it was rather easy to remember your dominant type and 2 - it offered insights into to my heart that I have not discovered before. It helped me make sense of some things that have been hangs up in my life for a while and gave me courage to take the next step.
As a registered dietitian (learn more about me here), I have been counseling everyday folks and athletes since the beginning of my career in 2005. I've noticed along the way that people respond to my style of counseling differently and learned how to adjust my approach based on the vibe a client gives me.
Over the past few years I have had a growing desire to better connect personality to health coaching and counseling. This is for me as the practitioner to better tailor approaches to a person's individuality for maximum effectiveness. It is also for those who want to change, but it's been harder than they thought to do so. I have always loved helping people connect the dots between "I know what to do" and "but I don't do it" and I think connecting to personality is a small slice of that answer.
Perhaps you're wondering if this could lead to "The Enneagram Diet"? It's a great question that I don't quite know the answer to yet. Would I love to write a book about this topic eventually? Yes, yes I would. (Just putting that out into the universe.) For now, I am looking to learn more and discover connections through working with others.
Participate in Connecting Enneagram Type to Nutrition, Fitness & Health
The Enneagram seems like it could be a great tool to help me help others more effectively. To test out my idea though, I need some help.
I've created Nine, 17 questions surveys to begin collecting observations between Enneagram type and eating choices. These surveys are anonymous and no personal data is collected. Eventually I will also add surveys specific to fitness and wellness, so sign up to be on the email list for Make Healthy Easy Enneagram News and Results right here:
If you are also curious about this connection, and think of a question that would be a great addition to the surveys, submit it for consideration HERE.
Enneagram & Eating Project Surveys
Click the button for the survey that matches your main Enneagram type number. If you don't know your number, wait to take the survey and first read this post: Best Enneagram Test. Then come back after you have determined your number.
Enneagram & Nutrition Coaching
If you've done some work on the Enneagram and feel like there may be connection for you personally to your nutrition, eating, lifestyle and/or wellness, I would love to help you walk through it. I offer nutrition coaching "in light of your Enneagram number", meaning we will discuss your situation through the lense of your number, using the wisdom of the Enneagram to unlock solutions to the challenges you face in eating, wellness, or fitness.
To learn more and to book an appointment, visit the Nutrition Counseling & Coaching page.
Help Spread the Word
Would you be willing to share this blog post with someone who knows their Enneagram number? My goal is to have 1000 people take the survey. As of September 2019, about 250 have completed it. I need the power of numbers to really glean anything significant from this work.
Thank you so much!!